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Witcher 3 How To Counter Attack Pc

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This is a guide to the quest titled Tesham Mutna from The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Read on to learn locations, rewards, best choices, best outcomes, as well as useful tips and strategy for completing this quest.

Previous QuestCurrent QuestNext Quest
What Lies UnseenTesham MutnaPomp and Strange Circumstance

I'm playing the Patch 1.12 version of Witcher 3 on PC using Windows 7 and an English input keyboard. I'm having problems executing strong attacks with the default keyboard controls, specifically. Left Shift + Left Mouse Button. Technical Joystick: The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is an action role-playing game with a third-person perspective. Players control Geralt of Rivia, a monster slayer known as a Witcher. Geralt walks, runs, rolls and dodges, and jumps, climbs and swims. He has a variety. Oct 28, 2015  Whether you are a seasoned veteran of the Witcher games, or a player new to the franchise, it behooves you to familiarize yourself with the controls for the Witcher 3: Wild Hunt. Familiarity with the game’s control scheme can make the difference between life and death for Geralt, and will give you a much more enjoyable and rewarding experience. The alternate form of the Sign releases a steady flame-thrower attack, rather than a brief burst of fire. The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt is available now for PC. Counter-Strike Pro Team Coaches.

List of Contents

Tesham Mutna Location and Rewards

Basic Information

Quest Number13
Quest LocationTesham Mutna Ruins
Previous QuestWhat Lies Unseen
Next QuestPomp and Strange Circumstance


Gold RewardNone
Exp Reward1000
Item RewardNone

Tesham Mutna Walkthrough

1If you decided to complete the quest What Lies Unseen or if you completed Beyond Hill and Dale. and obtained Syanna's ribbon from the Little Flint Girl, you will have to fight Dettlaff. If you did the quest Beyond Hill and Dale. and did not get Syanna's ribbon, you can choose whether or not to fight Dettlaff. If you choose not to fight Dettlaff, you will not get your 3750 Crown reward in the quest Burlap is the New Stripe.
2If you choose to fight Dettlaff, you will have a moment to prepare. Run towards Regis and Dettlaff to start the fight.

Tesham Mutna Tips and Strategies

Fighting Dettlaff

Prepare for the fight with Vampire Oil and Black Blood Potion. Dettlaff will have 3 forms. After you've lowered his health to a certain point, he will change his form. He is also not affected by Axii or Aard. He is almost immue to Crossbows and Bombs that have effects besides damage.

Vampire Form

This form fights similarly to when you fought Dettlaff in the quest Blood Run. Bleeding, Poison, and Yrden are not effective agianst him.

Talon attack Dettlaff swings his talons at you. Attacks around 3-6 times. Can be parried and countered.
Dash attackDettlaff will step back then after a puff of smoke, dash towards you to attack you. Can be parried and countered
Charged Dash attack It is similar to the normal dash attack but Dettlaff's talons will glow red and he will jump before slashing you. Can be countered.
Teleport attackDettlaff will teleport behind Geralt. Is done after hitting Dettlaff 5 times after countering, or after Dettlaff parries 2 of your attacks.

All of Dettlaff's attacks are counterable. It is recommended to counter Dettlaff attack's to stun him for 5 attacks, then dodge away right after, as he will follow with his teleport attack.

Beast Form

Dettlaff will transform into a vampire beast. He will be flying most of the time, and is invulnerable to fire.

Swooping attackDettlaff will fly low and try to hit you. Can be grounded with a sword strike, crossbolt, bomb, Agni or Aard when close enough. He will be vulnerable when grounded.
Bat Swarm attackDettlaff will fly up and a swarm of bats will gather around him. After a moment, the swarm of bats will fly towards Geralt. Try to sprint away, and then when the bats are about to come, sprint to the side to dodge it.
Dive attackThe ground will be marked, and after a moment, Dettlaff will dive onto the spot. He will be vulnerable for a few seconds before flying off again. When he takes off, he will unleash a blast that deals damage and will leave a trap that will hold Geralt in place if stepped in.

While Dettlaff is flying, he is invulnerable to everything. He is only vulnerable when he is grounded after diving, or after you ground him when he does the swoop attack. Dodge his attacks and attack him when he is vulnerable.

Blood Form

In Dettlaff's Blood form, you will be constantly be attacked by a blood clone. Whenever you kill it, it will revive after a few seconds. There will also be 3 pillars with a heart at the base.

Claw attacksThe blood clone swings its claws. Can be a single attack or a combo. Can be parried or countered.
Dash attackThe blood clone will turn into blood and dash towards you. Can be parreid or counterd.
Dive attackSimilar to the Beast form dive attack. Will do it after respawning when destroyed.

Focus on the 3 hearts. Even if you kill the blood clone, it will just respawn after awhile. You can simply continue to dodge its attacks and focus on the hearts. Countering its hits will stun it for a moment, giving you breathing room to hit the heart pillars.

The Witcher 3 Related Links

All Blood and Wine Main Quests

No.Quest TitleLocationSugg. Level
1Envoys, WineboysStonecutters' Settlement34
2The Beast of ToussaintThe Cockatrice Inn, Corvo Bianco, Tourney Grounds, Palace Gardens35
3Blood RunPalace Gardens, Beauclair36
4La Cage au FouMère-Lachaiselongue Cemetery, Trastamara Estate, Tesham Mutna Ruins39
5Where Children Toil, Toys Waste AwayMère-Lachaiselongue Cemetery, Beauclair Port42
6Wine is SacredBeauclair Palace, Castel Ravello, Fort Astre Ruins42
7The Man from CintraBeauclair43
8Capture the CastleCount de la Croix's Mill47
9The Night of Long FangsBeauclair47
10Beyond Hill and Dale.Land of a Thousand Fables47
11Blood SimpleLa Compassion Orphanage47
12What Lies UnseenCave southwest from Beauclair47
13Tesham MutnaTesham Mutna Ruins49
14Pomp and Strange CircumstanceBeauclair, Mère-Lachaiselongue Cemetery49
15Burlap is the New StripeBeauclair49
16Be It Ever So Humble.Corvo Bianco49

The Philosophy Behind This Guide

Witcher 3 has offered players many different play styles and builds. However, there are two concepts players need to understand to experience the game at it’s full potential. For those that say that the game is all about the story, I say rubbish. The developer hasn’t spent so much resources, making such an intricate combat, alchemy, crafting and enemy system for it to be just about the story. It’s designed much like Dark Souls, and Death March is the best way to fully immerse yourself.

There is only one build type/style that is both challenging and engaging to play. Sign builds aren’t appealing, because Geralt isn’t a wizard nor a mage, but a Witcher. There is a reason why he carries two swords. Shooting a stream of fire out of your hands stops you from using them. Therefore, the true Witcher builds are a hybrid, with a major focus on Combat, Alchemy and a minor focus on Signs.

Best Early Skills

The general skills branch contains the best early game skills, due to their low investment requirements. The first point spent will increase HP by 500 and allow for one or two mistakes at Death March difficulty. You will then need to decide whether you want to take hits and hit hard or avoid hits and hit fast. Don’t forget White Orchard has six Places of Power.

Survival Instinct – Increases player hp by 500 early on, allowing the player to take a few more hits and that’s important in Death March.

Cat School Techniques or the equivalent – One point grants 125% increase in critical hit damage and 25% fast attack damage.

Focus – Increases damage by 15-20% when your adrenaline is full. Though in the earlier levels has very little impact and you’ll find other skills more beneficial. Combines well with adrenaline increasing skills such as Resolve.

Adrenaline Burst – Increases your adrenaline gain, while allowing Signs to now give you adrenaline too, diversifying your gains.

Note: Sun and Stars is often recommended, but you are unlikely to actually find a slot for it. So save yourself that extra point and invest it into the combat tree.

Best Combat Skills

Witcher 3 Attack Combo

Building out the combat branch should be the main focus in the earlier levels. As this path will give you the most advantage and survivability based on your early strengths & resources. Knowing when and how to sidestep, roll, parry and hit are the fundamental elements of the combat system and you’ll need to be getting better at it as you level and grow stronger.

Muscle Memory/Strength Training – Increase the attack damage of either strike by 25%

Resolve – At max level no adrenaline is lost when hit, 100% reduction.

Precision Blow/Crushing Blow – Increase the critical hit chance of attacks by 10% and critical hit damage by 75% for either strike type.

Undying – Saves the players life when vitality reaches 0, by using current adrenaline points to restore a certain percentage of their vitality.

Fleet Footed – Allows the player to negate 100% of the potential damage when dodging. This and Undying makes Death March far less punishing.

Whirl/Rend – Whirl is an OP area of effect strike, while Rend is a single target attack that ignores enemy armour and increased critical hit chance by 50%.

Razor Focus – Instantly gives you 1 point of adrenaline when you enter combat and increase the adrenaline gain of your sword strikes by 25% (when maxed).

Crippling Strike/Sunder Armour – Applies a bleed (damage over time effect) that reduces enemy vitality by 125 points per second for five seconds on fast attacks. Alternatively reduce enemy damage resistance by 25% with strong attacks.

Deadly Precision – At full adrenaline the player has a 6% chance of instantly killing their enemy.

Crippling Shot – Disables the enemies special ability for 25 seconds when a critical hit is made, using the crossbow. Requires investment in skills like Anatomical Knowledge for maximum utility.

Note: Arrow Deflection is often recommended, but I find it unnecessary when you can sidestep or use your Active Shield. But treat yourself if you get off on instant killing archers with parry skills. Flood of Anger is not recommended as it will counter Undying. With 42 skill points invested into the tree you gain 162% increase in adrenaline point gain.

Best Sign Skills

Signs are a key ingredient in surviving and playing on Death March difficulty. However, the most used skills will be Quen and Axii. Leveling up Axii first will give you the dialog advantage which will save you much in the long run so level it up early on, as soon as you can afford to. Follow this by maxing the second Quen skill upgrade Active Shield and you’re all good.

Witcher 3 Can't Attack

Delusion – Dialog advantage and reduces Axii cast time and staggers opponent if Axii fails.

Exploding Shield – Quen shield pushes opponents back when it breaks. Good tactical skill to have in combat based builds.

Active Shield – Surrounds the player with a force field that can absorbs damage to restore vitality. Can also be used against projectiles.

Melt Armour – Permanently weakens enemy Armor based on your Sign intensity. Maximising at 75% Sign Intensity.

Sustained Glyphs – Increases Yrden duration by 10 seconds and allows the casting of two simultaneous Yrdens.

Note: Instead of placing three points into the first Quen skill Exploding Shield, you can put two into the Sustained Glyphs and the remaining one into Far-Reaching Yard or Melt Armour. Will likely only slot two skills from this tree as you progress.

Best Alchemy Skills

Alchemy is a whole other beast and adds a lot of power in the mid to end game period. When playing Death March you will be relying a lot on oils, bombs and potions and the advantages that this skill tree affords you are unbeatable. However, there are only three to four skills that are of the highest importance and the general potion duration time bonus.

Convert spb contacts to pdf. Poisoned Blades Deck set 2 0 3 – simple presentation creator ppt. – Oil applied to the blades gives a 15% chance of poisoning the target on each hit. The chance is greater the higher the level of Oil used.

Acquired Tolerance – Increases maximum Toxicity by 1 for every level 1, 2 and 3 alchemy formula that the player knows.

Frenzy – If potion toxicity is above 0, time automatically slows when an enemy is about to perform a counter attack.

Protective Coating – Adds 25% protection from the monster type the oil applied to weapons targets.

Fixative – Blade oils do not wear off.

Synergy – Increases the mutagen placement bonus by 50%. This is the most vital skill in the alchemy tree.

Hunter Instinct – At maximum adrenaline, critical hit damage against enemies based on oil application is increased by 100%.

Killing Spree – If potion toxicity is above 0, each opponent killed increases the chance for a critical hit by 50%.

Note: The Potion Duration Time Bonus cap is unknown (if any). However, by just having Acquired Tolerance maxed out you receive 15%, which really helps in Swallow use & management. In theory, you should experience a 170% increase in Potion Duration Time with 34 points invest into the Alchemy tree.
Delayed Recovery is not recommended here because it takes the fun out of the game, requires too much micro management and makes Geralt look disturbing.

Final Notes On The Best Skills in Witcher 3

Witcher 3 how to counter attack pc games

Keep in mind that the activated skills are limited by skill slots. So pick and choose them based on your requirements, playstyle and weaknesses. The Blood and Bone expansion will give Geralt an additional four skill slots. Skills like Survival Instinct and Focus are only good during the earlier levels and should be discarded later on. Furthermore, skills such as Sustained Glyphs, Deadly Precision and Crippling Shot are luxuries and you can do without them.

Looking for the best builds?
Try my Combat Alchemy Hybrid Build & the Ursine Tank Hybrid Build

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